Android Widgets

Would love a homescreen widget…just for a quick and dirty look at my balance :slight_smile:

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Vote here [Android] Balance widget

This bit might help for now

I did look at that but it seemed very complicated! :joy:


I’ve just switched from Santander, they had a brilliant Widget that would display your balance that day without having to log into your main banking app. I really thought Monzo would have been more advanced than a high Street bank with their tech.

They are. You can’t discredit them because they don’t have a feature you want.

If it is that important to you, vote for it at the top of this topic. Should it get enough votes (currenly at 10) I’m sure it will get the attention of Monzo :slight_smile:


Would be brilliant if you could set up frequent (though irregular) payments on a widget. Literally pay the same person the same amount with the same reference in one tap…