Core App: Better payments

It sounds like the most wonderful place

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I might even start going to branches if that happened!

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How do you get to the full payees list?
I donā€™t see a button.

Iā€™m confused by this whole thread!

Annotated screenshots needed in every post.

The word ā€œPayeesā€ near the top of the screen is, itself, a button (provided you have the Labs toggle on).

I think this could be clearer, which I why I suggested it could have a button-shape outline added in an earlier post.

Yeah I have that on my payments screen (non-testflight version of app)

Iā€™m just wondering how it would be accessed via the testflight screen @Alexxxxx shared. He said he also has payees hub turned on a couple of posts later.

ā€œPayees hubā€ is the new screen you get when you press on the Payees button - it must be enabled in Labs first, regardless of version.

The Testflight version has some slight tweaks but it is also there in the App Store app.

The thread is a little confusing because some of us have the Testflight build and others donā€™t.

I hope that makes sense!

@Alexxxxx says he has payees hub turned on in labs but I donā€™t see payee button/link in his screenshot. Unless you mean the search box?

If you have turned on payees hub in Labs, you will be able to press on the word Payees at the top right of the payments tab.

That is the hub.

Give it a try!

I have it in my app. Iā€™m referring to the screenshot posted by alexferrigno

Oh sorry, I thought you were confused about how to get to it in the app!

Ignore my post!

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My page was scrolled down, payees button still appears at top right, just off screen!


Iā€™ve looked carefully at it and now my second stab at working this out is that I think @Alexxxxx has taken a screenshot of the Payments tab, not the hub, which is scrolled down slightly. This is to show the slight visual changes (blur, etc) which have been added on the latest Testflight.

Mine is the same, just without the switch accounts button at the top as I only have a personal account.

Edit: Drat, I posted at the same time!


Thanks @Paulw

  • Search: Weā€™re going to be removing the search bar in the next release and replace it with a button. This is consistent with Android has always done it, and we think it works better now that it goes to the payees hub.
  • The grey lines are consistent with other areas of the app where we show list items; for example the accounts list, plus tab, help etc. The feed is a bit of a special case here.
  • Profile pics: This is hopefully coming soon!
  • Lots of payee screens: My stance on this is that itā€™s much more important for every screen to have the right actions and people on it, than to aim to condense things for the sake of removing duplication. Payees/contacts are super central to the Monzo app and they also appear in bill splitting, shared tabs, joint account and business account sign-up, and so on. It doesnā€™t make sense to me to try and de-duplicate these and force everything to go through the payees hub. As it stands, Iā€™m not saying the structure on the payments home is ideal (itā€™s not what we would be doing if we started from scratch, and not what we have in mind further down the line), but I think itā€™s much preferable to tapping ā€œPayā€ out of muscle memory and realising you have to go back because your favourites only live on the home screen, for example.
  • Hopefully there will be some changes to pots & money movements soon! Not done by us though
  • Are you saying remove a contact from your monzo app, or from your phone altogether?

One thing Iā€™ve noticed is that payments through OpenBanking show just initials (because I think theyā€™re just normal Faster Payments payments). But as I didnā€™t create the payee, I canā€™t customise any information about them etc.

Is it possible these could be rolled into some of the Merchant Correction side of things? ie. I used an open banking connection triggered by Trading 212 to transfer money in. But I canā€™t change the name from ā€œTrading212UKā€, and it doesnā€™t count towards my other Trading 212 Payments that I did via card. :frowning_face:


@michaelw90 do you not see a payee created as a result of that payment? As far as Iā€™m aware there should be.

Nope. Not got a payee appearing for that payment. Even then, any changes to Payees that I make donā€™t update in the feed do they?

Additionally, it wonā€™t tie it into the company thatā€™s using the open banking connection. Is there something underlying that knows this is an open banking money request & so can be 100% guaranteed to be the merchant doing it & therefore tie into the same merchant data?

If I may interject, from the Monzo app, please god from the app.

A lot of the people I have show in my payees list are old acquaintances that have Monzo but Iā€™d never ever send money to, Iā€™d love to remove them!


Having multiple payment flows is fine if they have the same look and feel, but they donā€™t. The UIs are very inconsistent, compare what happens when you click pay from the payments hub to what happens when you click a frequent payee ā€¦

P.s. frequent payees > favourites :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh woah. The new little overlay/swipe-up when clicking pay > a payee with more than one account. (Sorry if this has been around for a few of these updates already but I only just noticed?)

That is just gorgeous. Such nice design and so good you donā€™t take us through a whole contact screen when weā€™ve already said we want to pay.

Clever, context-aware design.


You mean this?

Iā€™d rather have consistency with the other places