Contactless not working


I have been using monzo for an year now and this is happening for the first time that my contactless is not working and the payment is declined I have used chip and pin for almost 4 consecutive transactions still the contactless is not working. It would be great if I could get some help on this.

Have you checked in the app that you’ve not inadvertently set any contactless limits? If you set it to 0 it disables contactless.

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In app chat will be the best place for this.

We’re all just customers like you on here, so can only point out bits of things - whereas they’ll be able to check your account settings and talk you through things to try etc.

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Hi @Nikitaa & welcome :wave:

@Ordog has the best advice above :point_up:

But just quickly… is it the Monzo card or your phone that you are attempting to pay via contactless?