I’ve ticked off all Monzo tips and tricks, but it’s stuck at 90%. ‘Check out the Monzo forum’ doesn’t seem to want to complete… i hate leaving things unfinished!
Yes I’m stuck at the same point and don’t want to ‘skip’!
Anyone had any luck with this? I’m in the same boat and I’ll be damned if I’m skipping it
Anyone found the answer to this yet? I am also stuck
Yeah, I’m at 80%, looked at the forum and it’s not gone to 90%
I’m having this problem too.
How annoying! I ask around and see if we can this fixed
I found a bug in the Tips and Tricks
I already did everything to get to 100% and the community it’s not shown as completed
I’m having the same issue guys.
Me too! Every other action registered straight away
I also have this issue
Same issue here! Still at 90% after doing everything. Last time remaining is forum visit.
I too am facing a 90% completion with the Forum 10% remaining. As meticulous as I am this was so frustrating that I reached out to the Tech team for them to reply with the following…
“I’m afraid I can’t do anything else now except let you know that we are aware of it. I don’t want to be disingenuous, though, and so I must let you know that, while frustrating, this bug isn’t a priority for us just now as we work on launching the current account.”
I say to that, why roll a half baked fun feature out that doesn’t work… why not use Test Flight members to test these features first.
Anyway I hope that helps the other equally as frustrated Monzo users.
Hey guys!
I just got @Jbb08’s message passed on to me and wanted to explain a little more.
This bug is on our radar to fix — but, since we’ll be reworking Tips and Tricks overall for the Current Account over the coming weeks, it’s not #1 priority. Instead, the top priority is making a Migration Wizard production ready to speed up how quickly you will have access to your Current Accounts
We’re also rolling out new features to just some users, so not everyone is affected if something goes wrong, but sometimes stuff does slip through the cracks – really sorry!
Any other Qs, feel free to tag me on the forum any time
@JordanFish This might be useful in the The Monzo Weekly Diary 2.0 if it ever gets resurrected?
I’ll bug some people about resurrecting this right now
Still happening. Hoping it goes when we move to current account
I certainly will We’re rebuilding this on the current account so you won’t encounter this issue once you upgrade. It’s unlikely we will get round to fixing this on the prepaid account As Jordan mentioned there’s lots more important work on the ‘to do’ list right now.