Complete 'tips and tricks'

I’ve ticked off all Monzo tips and tricks, but it’s stuck at 90%. ‘Check out the Monzo forum’ doesn’t seem to want to complete… i hate leaving things unfinished!


Yes I’m stuck at the same point and don’t want to ‘skip’!

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Anyone had any luck with this? I’m in the same boat and I’ll be damned if I’m skipping it

Anyone found the answer to this yet? I am also stuck

Yeah, I’m at 80%, looked at the forum and it’s not gone to 90%

I’m having this problem too.

How annoying! I ask around and see if we can this fixed :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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I found a bug in the Tips and Tricks :confused:
I already did everything to get to 100% and the community it’s not shown as completed

I’m having the same issue guys.

Me too! Every other action registered straight away

I also have this issue

Same issue here! Still at 90% after doing everything. Last time remaining is forum visit.

I too am facing a 90% completion with the Forum 10% remaining. As meticulous as I am this was so frustrating that I reached out to the Tech team for them to reply with the following…

“I’m afraid I can’t do anything else now except let you know that we are aware of it. I don’t want to be disingenuous, though, and so I must let you know that, while frustrating, this bug isn’t a priority for us just now as we work on launching the current account.”

I say to that, why roll a half baked fun feature out that doesn’t work… why not use Test Flight members to test these features first.

Anyway I hope that helps the other equally as frustrated Monzo users.

Hey guys!

I just got @Jbb08’s message passed on to me and wanted to explain a little more.

This bug is on our radar to fix — but, since we’ll be reworking Tips and Tricks overall for the Current Account over the coming weeks, it’s not #1 priority. Instead, the top priority is making a Migration Wizard production ready to speed up how quickly you will have access to your Current Accounts :sweat_smile:

We’re also rolling out new features to just some users, so not everyone is affected if something goes wrong, but sometimes stuff does slip through the cracks :boom: :fire: – really sorry!

Any other Qs, feel free to tag me on the forum any time :slight_smile:


@JordanFish This might be useful in the The Monzo Weekly Diary 2.0 if it ever gets resurrected?

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I’ll bug some people about resurrecting this right now :wink:


Still happening. Hoping it goes when we move to current account

I certainly will :slightly_smiling_face: We’re rebuilding this on the current account so you won’t encounter this issue once you upgrade. It’s unlikely we will get round to fixing this on the prepaid account :frowning: As Jordan mentioned there’s lots more important work on the ‘to do’ list right now.