As the title says, is it possible to do so?
I get as far as logging in, it then asks for my mobile number, I enter the verification code then it says oops, something went wrong.
As the title says, is it possible to do so?
I get as far as logging in, it then asks for my mobile number, I enter the verification code then it says oops, something went wrong.
Hi Tommy, can you private message me with the phone number you registered with, please?
Hi Simon,
Message sent, thank you.
Welcome back to Monzo
Seems much easier than reopening a Starling account
I’ve heard you can’t re open a closed starling account?
Exactly right, you can’t.
Sorry! Read your reply wrong
Should all be sorted now
Great, thank your for the help Simon!
Hi simon. I’m in need of reopening my current account after it was closed. This something you can send still assist with?