CIFAS marker check

When opening an account, do Monzo do cifas marker checks? i’ve got one for something so stupid but can’t get rid of it. this has affected my ability of opening a bank account hence why i am now looking at other alternatives such as this and other ones. If they do, can you let me know of any other similar “banks” like monzo that 100% or may accept people with cifas markers?

thank you so much

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Hi Marta - We review each application individually, so please feel free to sign up and our team will review and reach out if we need to get more information from you :slightly_smiling_face:


will signing up and being rejected affect your credit rating though?

No, it won’t :slightly_smiling_face:

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For the uninitiated, could someone explain CIFAS and the CIFAS marker check, please?

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I would also like to know this

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In really short and broad terms it is a register to report fraudulent transactions to. Both perpetrators and victims.

For example, if you’re a victim of impersonation there might be a CIFAS marker advising companies to complete further due diligence before continuing with the product etc :+1:



I was able to get an account with Monzo! So for anyone who has a cifas marker, you can get one too! Thanks for all your replies everyone :slight_smile:


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