Chip and Signature for Accessibility

I’m wondering if Monzo offers chip and signature cards for users who have difficulty using a PIN. All British banks are supposed to, and American Express advertises this in the info that comes with a new card (I’ve seen it on some other bank literature too), but I’m wondering if Monzo actually does.

If so, and this is why I got thinking about it, how do you then handle actions in app that are normally verified by use of the card PIN?

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While we’re on accessibility, I would love for all Monzo cards to be RNIB approved accessible cards, in the way that Natwest, RBS, and Barclays are now offering them.



I liked it because I think it should be offered, but I disagree on all cards. I’d like a nice, slick unembossed card :smiley:


I liked it because you liked mine :stuck_out_tongue:

This has been suggested before but not got anywhere.

PS Handelsbanken UK also have an accessible card with a contrasting stripe one end and a notch the other

Chip and signature isn’t supported.
I know as when I was in the states I was getting declined on those terminals and spoke to COps and they said it’s not supported.

Well, one, that’s really concerning if terminals without PIN support decline. Two, that’s behaviour of the chip and PIN card that is standard. Not issuance of a chip and signature card to support a user with accessibility needs.

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