Dear Monzo,
I am in Beijing for 3 MONTH and need to transfer money to my new Chinese bank account to start WeChat payment (its the Chinese system and necessary). Why can I not do the payment to my own account? It is personal not business and I receive the note “not posibble because might be business account…”
what can I do?
please, I need support immediately.
You normally can’t transfer easily unless you hold a Chinese National ID card. The local regulations state that for foreigners there is a limit for incoming/out coming transfers in CNY.
You’d be best to either transfer in USD to a Chinese account (supported) or you can simply withdraw the cash using your Monzo card at your banks ATM that has a CRS. Outside the branches you’ll generally see ‘ATM / CRS’ written on the ATM door. You can withdraw from Monzo and instantly pay the CNY back into your local bank.
Hey Hanna, welcome to the a Community!
Unfortunately this forum isn’t the place to get urgent support - we’re mostly just customers like you.
Do start a chat in the app though (flick the urgent toggle if it’s super time sensitive)!
Also have a look through the 🇨🇳 Monzo in China [Wiki] thread for some useful tips on using Monzo in China.