Chat: nobody replying

I really need help I’ve been trying to get some through the app chat since 5pm and is now midnight. I have an urgent matter to discuss and the reson I am not calling is I have some screenshots of proof I need to show. Can you help get me someone to help please ??

What was the estimated wait time on the chat?

You can call the number on the back of your card and they will hopefully bump up the chat if it’s urgent

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There was no estimate time it just said we’ll find someone to help and let you know when they are here

Chat has been fairly quick recently from what people are saying

I’d call and hopefully they can tell you if the message was received and it’s not a bug

Having never really used chat for anything does it prioritise things, so if I had a general query I’d get a slower response whereas say I’m questioning a transaction and I press that to dispute it I’d get hold of someone quicker :thinking:

It is shown at the top of the chat window, or below the last message you received from them. I can’t remember which but it is certainly shown somewhere :thinking:

What is your urgent query regarding?

For example, if it is a suspected fraudulent transaction you need to report it by clicking on the transaction so it will go straight to the appropriate department with all the details needed. Otherwise if you’ve gone straight to chat you’ll potentially be in the normal queue and the process will be dragged out longer as they’ll need to ask you all these questions manually.

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