Cardless cash withdrawals

Just got back from Poland, and I was thinking of Monzo implementing cardless atm withdrawals. Like just get cash using app and cardless atm.

Don’t think our ATM’s are up to the job?

I think Natwest is the only bank that currently offers something like this and it’s because they own them!

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Santander do them, and I think Barclays. But they might only work for their own cards.

I think NatWest only works on machines outside of NatWest/RBS and Tesco.

Barclays has a cool type in the app how much you want and tap approach on machines they have updated in branch, so you don’t need to worry about typing in a code or actually using the ATM interface.

This feature has already been suggested. You can vote for it here:

You might also find this comment from @Rika interesting:

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