I’m afraid It’s not that simple
The problem with these things is not the toggle itself, the problem is that if we give the option to remove pulse and then, two months later, we want to incorporate a feature (like we’re going to do) that relays heavily on the pulse in order to work, what do we do then? Do we need to design two different versions to accommodate for those that decided to turn off the pulse? Trust me, it’s a big big rabbit hole that we prefer to avoid.
Again, that’s the best thing of this community, you folks will keep staying on top of us and we’ll make changes based on your feedback. But if we turn every “I don’t like this feature” or “I need this other feature” into a switch (instead of working harder so the feature is useful and you don’t need to turn it off) the app will quickly become a mess. We think you deserve better. Hope it makes sense