Burnt Coral Max card

Has anyone else had any issues with the quality of their card? I’ve had mine less than 2 months, and most of the details on the back have wither worn away or started wear away

Monzo poor card quality? Not heard of that before.



I had a max card for the three month minimum period and before that had lapsed the numbers on the back of the card were entirely gone.

I’ve never had that happen to a card before. The card seems fine, and better quality than my green one, but the numbers might as well have been written in whiteboard marker.

Most of my numbers have gone now as well. I have other non-embossed cards and the numbers are still there after months.

The numbers should last the whole life of the card, so Monzo are really doing a poor job with the Max cards.

Mine are still 100% there, although I do keep it in a card sleeve inbetween other non-embossed cards.

Who is the manufacturer of your card (top-right of rear of card, above the mag stripe)?

TAG SYSTEMS. Mine is next to other non-embossed cards as well

My card is from the same batch:


Which makes it even more mysterious as to why my white/very-light-grey printed numbers are OK so far and your’s are disappearing :thinking:

I don’t even use the card that much preferring Apple pay. Have ordered a new one anyway