Hi folks. Looking at the forums, it looks like there were A LOT of complaints about Plus card quality back in 2019/2020 (easily scratched, etc.) I’m about to upgrade to Plus so deciding whether to keep Coral or get a new card. Did Monzo fix those issues in the end? I can’t find any newer posts, so I assume they maybe did.
Welcome to the community!
Anything prior to July 2020 will be have been referring to an older version of plus with the older cards, which were very cheap and dreadfully poor in quality.
The new Monzo Plus ones are nice and a vast improvement in terms of quality. They’re not perfect though. They can scratch/mark quite easily. But I find the quality to be a step above the coral cards. My only qualm is that the core is white and the chip doesn’t line up perfectly so that stands out quite a bit.
The new Plus card is a lovely card though. It’s one of my favourites.
This product shot from Monzo is probably their most true to life representation of how the card actually looks (notice how they hide the chip?

They did, but thanks for the memories about how bad they used to be. They’re great now as @N26throwaway and possibly one of the better manufactured cards out there.
They are indeed nice and much better quality than the recent Coral card I got which was quite poor in comparison
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