No and as I said not had issues with this payee with same overseas IP before.
Unfortunately I won’t have time to mess about setting up my VPN on my phone connection or reinstalling (assume this means I’ll need to find my password).
Do you have access to a UK mobile SIM? Roaming data is pretty much always routed through the home carrier so you’d appear as if you were in the UK if you were using its mobile data.
You don’t seem to be willing to try anything people are suggesting. I’d therefore recommend that you just cut out the middleman and go straight to Monzo support
I will try the VPN but to set that up on my phone will take too long. I only have a VPN on my laptop and I don’t think I can make a Monzo payment like that.
Do I need my password to reinstall the app? I can’t find this out anywhere.
That’s the sum total of the options I’ve been suggested. Why can’t it just give an error message?!
Could your payee have had their account blocked, or could their bank otherwise be blocking your attempted payment for some reason, rather than it being a Monzo problem?