Bills - left to pay is incorrect

Hi, my left to pay area on my pills pot is wrong. It says left to pay sept 29th but shows the incorrect amount. I have my direct debits set up correctly and it previously calculated fine, but August and September has been incorrect and hasn’t been picking them up??

Check trends is set to the correct date.

Or, tap your main account, then pie chart top right and check the date there.

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Hi, there’s no pie chart anywhere on my Monzo page. The bills pot doesn’t link to the trends date and it’s really frustrating, I used to be able to change the date but now the summary page is gone I can’t change it anymore?

Have you tapped on your main account first? Not just the Home Screen.

The dates will be linked to summary not trends.

Yeah, I only have this account. I click it and it just takes me to my activity

When I tap the monzo account it shows this top right.

If it’s not showing, you’ll need to adjust your Trends Spending and Target dates, and be sure you’ve added Pots to trends.