Bank of China (UK)

Sounds like the start to a great joke inbound!


Will they have a call centre to put me into? Iā€™ll be as happy as a pig in shit, as long as thereā€™s some food and illicit foreign DVDs, Durex have a presence there etc, we good.

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r/ihavesex leaking again

I know itā€™s all exciting being young and all but after the hotel saga we donā€™t need this too


What hotel saga?

Iā€™ve obviously been spending too much of my hiatus researching cleaning products and not enough reading these forums (ironically? the thing I won my plushie for).

r/ihaveaplushie. Donā€™t join. @revels is the admin.


@ndrw Surely you had this epiphany as wellā€¦ To be honest, that isnā€™t even the best bit. 123movie time is better.

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Is it because aforementioned native called up the person I had the appointment with first? No idea what she will have saidā€¦ ā€œHe is crazy and likes to hold accounts with every bankā€

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Does the card come with said Chinese name? If so, how will you use It online as youā€™ll not be able to type it in when asked?

Colleague has a Chinese wife and an actual issued in China account. Must ask him how that went.

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I can type via Pinyin IME so thatā€™s not an issue. Iā€™m not sure which name goes on it.

This one is good: Microsoft Simplified Chinese IME - Microsoft Support

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Having also got a BOC UK account for facilitating transfers from mainland China, I have to say youā€™ll have a hard time going ā€˜full BOCā€™. Every bank transfer requires the dynamic code from the generator device, transactions are not real time and itā€™s generally just not good enough to use as a normal bank account. Thatā€™s literally not what itā€™s intended to be used as, either.


and on a side note, the Chinese name is for legal names only. If you donā€™t have one, that part gets left blank

I donā€™t want to cast aspersions, so Iā€™ll leave it unsaid, butā€¦


They are part of FOS so purely to get my own back, I will escalate.

I had every intention of using the account for all my spending etc. ICICI instead then.

Not unexpected. Iā€™m surprised by your determination to make your own life more difficult by banking with institutions that arenā€™t designed for day to day banking.

Before you waste everyoneā€™s time by going to the FOS you need to exhaust the bankā€™s complaints process first.

But Iā€™d say no point going to the FOS because theyā€™ll be told that they can decide not to offer you banking reasons as long as it is not illegal discrimination. It could even be because they didnā€™t like the colour of the shirt you wore.


How arenā€™t BOC or ICICI designed for everyday banking? What else is a personal current account for?

You donā€™t need to tell me how FOS works.

How did you know I wore a shirt lolā€¦ was the same colour as the branch guys hahah

Both banks are mainly intended for expats to send money home / international remittance.


Yeah, I need to do that. RMB transfers would be mega convenient.

There is a certain level of irony, that ICICI have no issue /w me, yet I genuinely have no use case for them.

It worked at work tho, in the canteen, at the vending machine, on the bus, on the trainā€¦ ICICI.

I mean the only reason I have BOC is for remittance back to China.

You can send funds to people in China via Mastercard on å¾®äæ” and ę”Æ付宝.

Transferwise or other international money service available.

Spend directly in China from your UK card also. I see no appeal of BOC as a main card. I loose the code key ring all the time.

Do you have a bank account in mainland China? I swear they only even offer the card to those that do, might be why it was rejected.

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I donā€™t think thatā€™s an option. Internationally issued cards can be used for purchases at merchants, but not for P2P payments. I think youā€™d also struggle at merchants who are using personal accounts to receive money.

You certainly wouldnā€™t want to be using a BOC UK card for that either as youā€™d be stung for international usage fees on both sides.

Itā€™s worth mentioning that BOC donā€™t want British customers at all, the only reason they open ones occasionally for ā€˜localā€™ people is because they have a clear link to China and would struggle finding a legitimate reason to refuse it.


You will have to stand corrected on that one. That is me sending money to my husbands personal WeChat receiving code.

As you can see payment source is Mastercard.

And another to a local vendor