Bank holiday wages payment, any delays this morning?


My wages are paid on 26th, so would normally show today in my Monzo account at 9am, greyed out until 4pm, however its now 10am and nothing is showing… I am always paid by BACS not faster payments so just wondered if there are any delays which would explain it not showing? I’ve had my payslip yesterday by email as normal so I am definately being paid.


Are you furloughed? It’s been noticed that some employers are paying wages via Faster Payments instead of BACS whilst the wage amounts are temporarily different

I’m furloughed yes, but this isn’t my first furlough payment, received it as normal March and April. The payslip email said pay date of 27th May on it, we then had an email apologising saying that was a mistake on the payslip - ignore it, it should read 26th as normal. However i’m thinking that this is actually what has happened as that would explain why it isn’t showing today.

It can sometimes show up late in the feed I wouldn’t worry about it, think latest I’ve seen it so far is by noon.

That been said mine was in the feed at 9am today showing as pending