ATM transactions - Says cannot connect

I’m trying to widthdraw money for the first time at an ATM using the Monzo card and I’ll I get is a could not connect message on the ATM, any help?

Does it have a MasterCard logo on the machine?

Do you have any more information such as ATM location and the owner?

Would be best to pop this into the in app chat :slight_smile:

The only one I know of that comes up with a similar message to this is Co Op bank branch ATMs (not co op food ATMs… separate network).

There is no fix for the co op issue because it’s their decision not to accept MasterCard debit cards and applies to all of them regardless of bank.

If it’s not co op I’d contact in-app support.

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Monzo won’t work on cash machines that are only part of the Link network. If it’s not one of those then sounds like a technical fault with the machine

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