Apple Pay declines

How is apple pay nowadays ? Is it still glitchy

I don’t think it ever has been glitchy?

You may get some acceptance issues maybe but they should be very few and far between.


Theres a load of posts at the top of this thread saying it only works sometimes and sometimes it gets declined etc

That was the day after it was launched


Sorry I think I miss understood what you meant by glitchy.
I presumed you meant that apple pay its self is generally glitchy which isn’t the case, as @Rat_au_van says that was when it launched. There may be some acceptance issues with Monzo on apple pay in a few places but personally, I’ve never experienced an issue. If they accept your Monzo card normally it should work via apple pay also :slight_smile:

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I understand man thanks.

I just tried apple pay at mcdonalds and it worked a treat.

My only question now is, knowing Aldi accept payments larger than £30 via apple pay, do Asda and Lidl do the same ?


I’d imagine so, yes only place I’ve noticed that doesn’t is Tesco. If they specifically advertise apple pay as a feature then it should do.

Hope you like using apple pay :smiley: I just love the convenience.

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Monzo is hit and miss for me. A few things are stopping me going Full Monzo including this. Apple Pay isn’t allowed on my local buses and it declines instantly, tried with the card and it went through fine and took 10p a few minutes later. Using my card at cash machines has been a huge problem as they all say not accepted here apart from high street banks and the big supermarkets atms. As soon as these are ironed out then I’ll look forward to switching over

Apple Pay or Google Pay? :thinking:

Sorry to hear that :disappointed: Are you abroad? Do declines show up on your account or is your card just spat straight back out?