Apple : Fall 2018 Event, new iPhones etc

I’d go for an X right now if I could get it under £800… (new of course) :slight_smile:

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Isn’t this a red herring?

Aren’t both screen 326 PPI?

Haven’t read this yet…


Both phones have LCD panels but the XR’s is larger, sharper and loses out on 3D Touch

Yeah, the only place I’d read about the XR not having as good a screen as the 7Plus was on here.

It doesn’t have as many PPI (pixels per inch) as the 8Plus though.

Although… for every day use, I don’t think you’d be able to tell.

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I tried the Samsung S9 for about a month. I’m sending it back and pre-ordered the iPhone XR.

I’m not a tech guy but the impression I get is that IOS handles memory much better, with Samsung there is a lag on all apps after about a day of normal usage. You have to remember to close all apps and reboot, whereas with IOS you don’t have to worry about that, in the main.

It’s a shame, I really wanted to like Android (and save myself a ton of money).


Welcome home :wink: