I’d love to be surprised by some big new stuff, but honestly all I want rn is to be able to put my widgets anywhere I want on my Home screen.
Most infuriating decision and I really can’t see any reason for it, no matter how hard I try.
I’d love to be surprised by some big new stuff, but honestly all I want rn is to be able to put my widgets anywhere I want on my Home screen.
Most infuriating decision and I really can’t see any reason for it, no matter how hard I try.
It’s really impressive, but as people on Reddit said, I’d rather see a machine with a small bump on the back for the internals with practically zero bezels
That’s a good ad.
Agreed it is good, also loved the little Easter egg of an old iPod Nano in the sofa haha.
This was the highlight of the event for me. The reveal is quite funny, and also very fitting with iPad being Tim Apple’s favourite device.
If they did that how would they upgrade the design next time!?
I’m fully expecting M1 iPad Pro to be dual boot with iOS and macOS. No reason to move to desktop chips otherwise. Let’s see what happens at WWDC.
You will be very disappointed then haha.
I’m looking forward to the stories that will appear on Twitter/Reddit of someone catching a partner/criminal with these tags, and any other good use cases.
I can only think of two so far, so obvs will buy a pack of 4.
In the car - “Did we park on this level of this car park that looks the same on every floor and every corner?”
In my suitcase - In case it gets lost, but also so I can chill at the back and then pounce when it’s actually on the conveyer belt.
If iPad Pro could dual boot macOS I would buy one that instant. People are saying macOS would need a full redesign around touch. But they just need to allow macOS only to be run if a keyboard and mouse input is detected.
No messing around with macOS needed then. As above I doubt that will happen in the short term though unfortunately.
Definitely feel like people who think that the M1 iPads are going to dual book MacOS are going to be very disappointed.
Apple wants you buying more devices, not less. Case in pointm multi-user iPad support.
How about economies of scale? Apple are the absolute Kings of scaling fixed costs over X gazillion units.
I won’t be disappointed - it would have no use case for me.
The economies of scale argument doesn’t really stack up as they are SOC and have different RAM configs to the desktop version.
Edit - I take that back, they are the same RAM configs.
That won’t be possible as the tags make a sound if they’ve been separated from the owner for a longer (not sure how long though) period of time
If you are in proximity of a tag (maybe for any amount of time?) without the owner present, you’ll also get a notification saying you’re being tracked so wouldn’t work for catching thieves or partners
I was referring more the fixed costs of developing custom silicon. Why design an A14x and an M1 when you can probably just get away with the latter.
I won’t be disappointed because I don’t expect it to happen, at least not in the short term. But now more than ever they will be under pressure to make it happen, as it’s glaringly obvious it’s achievable and there’s no real excuse to not do it, other than greed.
I guess it’s just a pipe dream of mine, much like monzo plus for joint account users
Yeh life is expensive these days sadly
I’ve just brought a pack of 4 AirTags, I constantly lose my keys, wallet and car keys so might as well get those covered off.
I’ve tried Tile and its fine, but the ability to use the FindMy network for stuff is a big thing for me to buy in
How? They’re not released for 2 more days?