Android app testing - App not available

Is there anything I need to do after watching the video/filling in the quiz before I should be able to download from the Play Store?

It currently says ‘App not available’ which I think is because it hasnt been added to my account. There was no indication of a wait time after the quiz so wasnt sure


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The same thing is happening to me too :confused:

I also got this. Instead I just searched for the Monzo App in the Play Store, clicked onto the app page in the store, then scrolled down towards the comments and saw an option to enroll as a beta tester. After a few minutes this let me update the app (via the beta tab in the My Apps section of the Play Store).

Now that I’ve updated the app though, I now don’t know how to enrol for the debit card… The app just looks the same as before.

Fairly certain there should be a separate app for the current account and you wont be able to see it by searching

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Yes, I literally just realised this and came back to say. I guess you do just need to wait for the app to register with your Google account. I must have just signed up for the beta version of the prepay app.


I got the email asking me to test the beta of the current account, but can’t access it through the play store. I guess I just have to wait?

If the address you use for Google Play Store is different from the address of your Monzo account emails you can contact Monzo and explain this asking them to allow access to Google Play from the other address so you can download it

Address is the same for me

Yep me too! I checked and it was the same on both…

I had this issue today as well. The link started working for me just now.

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Working for me too now!

Still not working for me. :sob:

Also this isn’t working for me. Same email address as my Google account but again as above once I’ve answered the questions and clicked the link, unavailable :roll_eyes:

Having the same issue

Same thing happening here.

You have just enrolled as a Beta tester for the prepaid card. This is a separate app for the current account, something has clearly gone wrong and users aren’t being white listed to access it.

I had the same issue, took about 24 hours for the page to show and let me download the test app.

I’m still not able to access the page. Still getting the “App not available” screen. I’m gagging for some current account action!

Below is a screenshot of the screen I’m getting. Still the same for most others out there?


If you have just got access to the prepaid beta test you will not have access to the current account preview until you are invited to join it.

If however you have been invited and still having problems it may be the address you use for Google Play Store is different from the address of your Monzo account emails. If so you can contact Monzo and explain this asking them to allow access to Google Play from the other address so you can download it.

Hi Richard,

I’ve been invited to the current account and my Monzo and Google Play emails are the same, but I still can’t access the page. Not sure why this would be.
