Advanced money management tools for joint accounts šŸ†•

Hey everyone :wave:t2:

For those of you who are new to the community, Iā€™m Ross, one of the product marketers working on our upgrade plans and Iā€™ve got exciting news to update you all on!

Today, weā€™re making four of our advanced money management tools available on Joint Accounts! :tada:

If you have Extra, Perks or Max and also have a Monzo Joint Account, youā€™ll now be able to use auto-spreadsheets, advanced roundups, custom categories and virtual cards on your joint account.

Before we begin, hereā€™s a quick rundown of how they work.

While joint accounts are shared, our plans and their features are attached to individual customers. Meaning, full joint account functionality is available only to Extra, Perks, and Max customers. Customers with a Free, Plus or Premium account wonā€™t have access to the full functionality of these features.

If you donā€™t have Extra, Perks, or Max, but your partner does, your access to your partnerā€™s upgraded joint account features will be limited.

For our Extra, Perks and Max customers, the table below outlines how the features will work with your partner based on the plan they have.

Advanced roundups

Help make your spare change go further and put x2, x5 or x10 times as much spare change aside every time you spend.

Hereā€™s how it work: simply choose or create a pot and then choose a roundup multiplier either x2, x5 or x10. Every time you spend, your transaction will be rounded up to the nearest pound and the spare change will be put into your chosen Pot. For example, spend Ā£1.10 and save Ā£0.90. You can have both a roundup pot on your personal account and your joint account.

:arrow_forward: For joint accounts where both people have a paid plan

If you both have an Extra, Perks or Max plan, you can each use advanced roundups as you do with your personal account and can create pots on the joint account with advanced roundups turned on.

:arrow_forward: For joint accounts where only one person has a paid plan

The person with Extra, Perks or Max can use advanced roundups as they do with their personal account and can create pots on the joint account with advanced roundups turned on.

The person without Extra, Perks, or Max can set the roundup back to 1x, but they canā€™t select an advanced multiplier (x2, x5 or x10). They also wonā€™t be able to create new pots with advanced roundups on the joint account. To do this, they will need to ask their partner or upgrade to Extra, Perks, or Max.

Custom Categories

Get a better understanding of your spending with custom transaction and budgeting labels. Create personalised labels and assign to transactions to track your spending

Hereā€™s how it work: easily create a custom label, choose a name, colour and icon and assign to your transactions. Track spending in Trends by category to see how much you spend by month or year.

:arrow_forward: For joint accounts where both people have a paid plan

If you both have an Extra, Perks or Max plan, you can use your custom categories on both your personal and joint account. If you tag a transaction on your joint Account, the other person will be able to use the shared category too. You can also track your joint custom categories in Trends.

What if we have the same category name?

To prevent duplicate categories, weā€™ve created smart merge, a feature that will automatically merge categories with the same name so you can easily track spending across all your accounts within Trends.

If one person already has a category, for example ā€˜Coffeeā€™, weā€™ll merge the two and show a single category in Trends and highlight it as a ā€˜merged categoryā€™.

But the Monzo magic only goes so far. If one joint account user is a latte lover and the other a macchiato aficionado, we wonā€™t be able to automatically sync these under the same category. Manual syncing is coming soon.

:arrow_forward: For joint accounts where only one person has a paid plan

The person with Extra, Perks or Max can use custom categories as they do with their personal account.

The person without Extra, Perks, or Max can use shared custom categories that have been created by their partner. But they canā€™t create, edit or delete custom categories or use them on transactions on their personal account.

Virtual cards

Extra cards that you can create and delete as you like for budgeting and security.

:arrow_forward: For joint accounts where both people have a paid plan

If you both have an Extra, Perks or Max plan, you can create, edit and delete virtual cards on your joint account and Pots. Your individual allowance (5 active cards) will be spread across your personal and joint account.

:arrow_forward: For joint account where only one person has a paid plan

The person with Extra, Perks or Max can use virtual cards as they do with their personal account and can assign virtual cards to both the joint account and joint account pots.

The person without Extra, Perks, or Max canā€™t view or create any virtual cards.


Hereā€™s how it work: Weā€™ll add all joint account transactions to an additional tab within your Google Sheets. Just like your joint account transactions in-app, weā€™ve split them out in Google Sheets to help keep your personal and joint transactions separate.

:arrow_forward: For joint accounts where both people have a paid plan

If you both have an Extra, Perks or Max plan, you can use auto-spreadsheet as you do with your personal accounts. Once set up, a new tab will appear in your chosen Google Sheet account titled ā€˜Joint Account Transactionsā€™.

:arrow_forward: For joint accounts where only one person has a paid plan

The person with Extra, Perks or Max will have the same auto-spreadsheet functionality as they do with the personal accounts. Once set up, a new tab will appear in the chosen Google Sheet account titled ā€˜Joint Account Transactionsā€™.

The person without Extra, Perks, or Max canā€™t export any transactions to Google Sheets.

As always, please feel free to ask any questions and let us know what you think of the new functionality. The team and I will be around to chat :smiley:

Importantly, if the above isnā€™t clear, please let me know and Iā€™ll improve it where possible.

Ross :wave:t2:


Hopefully this will make @davidwalton happy!


Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve had a joint account but that is amazing news!


Wooo! Good stuff! Great to see this finally coming to Joint Accounts!


After last nightā€™s footie result, custom category creation for the Max JA user (with use of said custom categories by the other JA user) and 2 weeks in an all inclusive beach hotel almost starting, Iā€™m over the :full_moon:



This is amazing news :partying_face: :tada:, and finally brings some parity to Joint accounts. The way itā€™s been set up with regards to when only 1 person has Extra, Perks or Max makes a lot of sense too. Still means the joint account gets those perks but only individuals with the new paid tiers can manage them.

Iā€™ve already set up a virtual card attached to a Joint account pot, and added it to Google Wallet with no issues. However @rossmonzo, I canā€™t activate the auto-spreadsheet. I canā€™t even manage my personal account settings. Whenever I click on the option, it just flashes back to the Max page.

Uninstall, reboot, reinstall currently in progress to see if it fixes it, but thought I would flag here.
Iā€™ve recorded it and can share a link via DM.


So after the ā€œuninstall, reboot, reinstallā€, I was able to get into the ā€œAuto-Spreadsheetā€ menu, but only my personal account was shown. I clicked out of the menu and then tried to go back in and the same loop as before happens where it wonā€™t let me into the menu.

(I have Max with Family. On Android, with beta 5.82.0).

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Hey, thanks for the positive feedback @BurnyCubbers77 :grinning:

The team are looking into this bug now :mag:


This is great news, many thanks for the update @rossmonzo.

Are there plans for the higher interest rate on Joint instant access savings pots? i.e. the extra 0.5%?


This is brilliant.

I was just about to cancel my Extra subscription because my wife and I are moving our spending to the joint account, but now I wonā€™t be :slight_smile:

Edit: And very glad I donā€™t have to persuade my wife to pay extra so that we can make use of the custom categories. The way this works across users with and without paid plans is great.


This is great news. Weā€™re just about to go on a trip for which weā€™ve created a pot in the joint account.

Now there will be no need to transfer it into the main account, we can simply create virtual cards to access it.

But team, donā€™t wallow in the praise too much. Move onto the child accounts and make the rest of my family happy.



Awesome news. Before I move all my subscriptions, does anyone know if that feature will work with a joint account virtual card?

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Great to hear @glenmcfar! Let me know how it goes :slight_smile:


Which feature? Virtual cards?
Virtual cards for Joint Account work the same way as they do for personal. Only thing to remember is that you can only have 5 virtual cards across both your accounts (personal and joint), and the other person on your joint accounts canā€™t see or access your virtual cards (even Joint ones). Thatā€™s if iā€™ve understood it correctly.


Hey @twigusa, are you referring to paying for online subscriptions, such as Netflix for example, from a joint account Pot? If so, yes the joint account Pots and virtual cards have the same functionality as your personal account pots.

I suggest you test with one first to make sure it works the way you want it to. :slight_smile:


Ah. Thanks both. Yes this was for paying for anything thatā€™s a recurring payment and not a direct debit. For some reason, I thought there was additional magic to the subscriptions but it is just a virtual card I now realise. Iā€™ll give it a whirl. Thanks again.


We closed our joint account for our joint bills. My partner just pays me half the monthly bills and I stick it in a pot in my main current account - with the direct debits taken automatically from that pot. I have no use for spreadsheets or advanced roundups in a joint account or custom categories. A bill is a bill simple lol have to say itā€™s not life changing upgrades really, but Iā€™m sure someone might get excited over this ā€œupdateā€.


Please please up the virtual cards limit to 10/8. I use 4 currently on my personal and it would be frustrating only having one on the joint.

I am still old school plus but if the VC limit increased I would switch to extra/perks


Work to improve Joint accounts is happening. I am excited.