Add Payees Easily

I tried to add all my linked banks to my name. When adding the first one, all I got was a red screen telling me there is an error.

I gave up. Not overly impressed by it TBH.

If you’ve already got that account added, at the moment you can’t add the account again (it will error). It’s explained above and is being worked on.

You can delete and readd which works

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Got you. So basically delete all accounts, then try again


We’re definitely moving in the right direction with this, great to see better payee management — a few points:

• When you’ve created a new linked account, you can’t then go back into it to re-edit or change the name etc. You have to delete it and start again which isn’t very intuitive. (Edit: apologies, only just read above!)

• Unable to copy account number and other data into fields when setting up new linked account.

• Logo missing for Marcus.


Yeah. Should work. And also I noticed that if you’ve used a specific reference (like a credit card number) this is still available even after deleting and readding :+1:

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Have you and @HoddzDJ added your personal Monzo account to the payees list in your personal account? If so, what is the purpose (curious if I’m missing something)? If not, how did you get 3 Monzo accounts?!

Great start!

Just noticed the top right delete doesn’t work once you’ve opened the payee. :bug:?

Android: 8.1
App version: 2.28.1

Just tested this feature out, however, it’s not really going to help me as the feed now just shows my name instead of the bank account it has gone to. So, with several accounts for differing reasons, it is not clear what the money transferred was actually for, e.g. fund a Regular Saver, without adding additional text on each occasion.

Not sure it is something I will use. I didn’t really when Starling introduced it either, due to same reasons.


Anyone else having an issue with alignment after adding/deleting various payees?


Using the latest Android release


A good start :+1:t3: I just tested it out with existing Monzo contact and added second non-Monzo account and the big Send Money button doesn’t work image

iOS 12.1.1
App 2.27


What happens when you try? It will only send money to the monzo account, not the non-monzo account.

It’s a little confusing (although it does say above it :wink: that it’s for Monzo)

Seems fine on mine

Nothing happens. Button just flashes as though pressed but goes nowhere. I guess it’s not sure whether to pay from Monzo or new linked account :man_shrugging:t2:


Working ok for me :man_shrugging:t2:

Seems like there are a couple of bugs around

Do you have another linked account for that Monzo payee? I have another Monzo payee in the recent list without a linked account and that big button works fine.

Yep, I’ve linked a barclays account to a monzo contact and works fine on that one. I haven’t got another contact to try it with

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Definitely a :ant: or two. I’m just happy they’re working on it at last


Logo missing for Atom Bank 60-83-12

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Awesome progress, love it. Makes it so much easier to manage now.

This was raised on devslack, the Monzo guys are going to look in to it

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Paying sole from joint and vice versa. Then you can add a reference. If you use move money you do not have the option of a reference.

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