Just got notification of my November spending report - it looks as shown in the image here. You cannot scroll and the total value is obscured.
Anyone else have this?
Also, why would I wish to Create a Pot here?
Just got notification of my November spending report - it looks as shown in the image here. You cannot scroll and the total value is obscured.
Anyone else have this?
Also, why would I wish to Create a Pot here?
What size screen are you running, Nick?
iPhone 6s. Latest iOS, latest Monzo (blue) app.
Not a small 4” screen then which is what I was thinking it would be.
No. The screen is just completely static. Cannot scroll so it appears the Create Pot banner has caused the issue.
What size text you got as it looks like dynamic texts is at play here?
Usual size. Reduced it down in iOS Setting and made no difference.
weird as I just raised mine to max and it messed it up in a few places
Here you can see it with the smallest text possible.
looks better but no idea why it is doing that tbh
If only iOS ‘just worked’… like Android.
Every weird display, formatting error or weird app closes and the like I’ve seen has been iPhone.
For what it’s worth I have the same thing so probably common for 6s users.
Glad I’m not the only one way over my targets
Useful to know it is just not my phone.
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