Has anyone else noticed the text size on their app, so for budget, transactions, help page, help messages etc. has basically doubled in size since the last update? None of the settings on my phone have changed and i’ve compared it with a friend’s app and her’s is normally sized (her’s is up to date too).
I’ve contacted Monzo about it and they said this is the default text size now which I don’t understand because if it was, why does my friend’s app have the original sizing? I’ve also posted about it on another thread and no one else has noticed a change.
It’s really bothering me that everything is so oversized I have to scroll down way more now to see my transactions or messages because you can fit less on the screen.
I saw some other people said it was fine too when you asked this in another topic, so if all of us, your sister and Monzo are all saying it hasn’t changed then the issue is with your phone.
It annoys me that the font is so big that it just ruins using the app for me. I’ve tried all of those things and I have no issues with any of my other apps.
It’s only since the update i’ve started having this issue, the text was fine before, but perhaps it’s how my phone has integrated the new update that has made the text bulge.
What happens if you reduce the system-wide font size in Android settings?
(Using Stock Android, this is Settings/Display/Advanced/Font size)
It can be set to small, default, large, largest - mine is set to default.
Screen resolution could play a factor in this though possibly. I’m a web developer and although I’ve never built natively for iOS or Android, on web we can target different screen dpi’s differently to create a more consistent style, i’d imagine native apps is similar