Starting from today, you’ll be able to see your salary in Monzo the day before it gets paid!
For those of you who get paid via BACS, you’ll be able to see your real salary a day in advance. Get some peace of mind without having to open your payslip every time.
I absolutely love this. I have been #fullmonzo for over a month now. The one thing I missed was not being able to see next days debits and credits but now that is sorted
They used to, in the very early days of the current account! But they changed it so you only get credited when it has properly cleared. I think there’s the possibility the transfer can be cancelled at any point before it’s actually cleared into your account.
My new employer uses faster payments, although it being tied to BACS is a bit weird when summary exists (setting it to your salary in summary would make sense, wouldn’t it?)
Love this. It’s showing up in my feed now, payday tomorrow. A relief as I emailed payroll to see if they’d got the change of details as part of CASS, and she hadn’t. So I gave her my details manually. To see that it’s pending means I can relax! Brilliant stuff.