It sounds to me like the fact they’ve used the same transaction ID for two entries is causing a data error somewhere. This may be difficult to fix, and the error is likely with how NewDay’s API presents the data.
Hi Tim, yes it was iOS
Monzo is showing those two separately, right? We should be able to handle two transactions with the same transaction ID.
If I’m reading your screenshots right, it looks like NewDay aren’t showing the USD amount in their app at all! In this case it would seem to be better for us to hide it, since it’s wrong I’ll need to dig into whether they ever give us helpful foreign-currency amounts.
Yep Monzo shows them separately, similar to how it is in the Aqua app. Unless I dig into the statement section of the Aqua app I can’t see the foreign charged amount in the original currency (in this case USD).
I didn’t even know Amazon had a card with New Day. Years ago, I had an Amazon Credit Card that (as far as I recall) was through Halifax.
I remember that when the deal ended, they punted it over to a standard Halifax card with worse APR and fewer benefits.
That seems to be how Amazon do things.
They’ve had a card in partnership with NewDay for a while, previously they did have a card with MBNA (probably the one you are thinking of). The deal always seems to be structured only as a licensing thing, so when it ends Amazon are free to launch a new card with another provider and the customers of the old card are migrated to a rebranded card with the same provider that the old deal was with.
They do also have a business credit card with Amex.
I could have sworn it was Halifax, and found some evidence on an old MSE thread. This must have been the one before the MBNA deal!
Ah yes, it looks like it!
They’ve changed partner bank so many times over the years that it’s difficult to keep track. It’s probably another example of Amazon playing hardball in negotiations as they tried to do with Visa, resulting in them constantly playing banks off against each other.
Any chance we could get Bip support?
Another big brand that will be coming to NewDay this summer is the John Lewis Partnership card, which was previously provided by HSBC and didn’t support Open Banking via an API. It would be very good if Monzo could implement support for the new version of that card from day 1.
Hey, just joining this thread but please do redirect me if I’m at the wrong place.
So I started using Monzo Plus only to get my Aqua credit card transactions visible in my Monzo app. Good news, it’s working as expected! Bad news, every transaction date is wrong. Most of it is 1 day ahead, some of it are 2 days ahead. So for example, if my transaction on my Aqua card was on May 1, it’s showing up on Monzo as May 2 or sometimes as May 3. I assume that this has to do something with the transactions moving from pending state to the captured state and maybe the captured date is being recorded, but can someone please look into this? It’s reeeaaaallly bothering me as every transaction is incorrectly recorded causing a whole mess when I see the trends view for all my accounts and it doesn’t match as day’s list of transaction has accurate Monzo transactions but incorrect Aqua transactions which ruins the whole “Trends” view.
Much appreciated,
I’ve just double-checked, and unfortunately it looks like NewDay don’t provide us with this information, so we can’t show when the transaction was actually made
We try to use the original payment date/time if possible, but unfortunately we can’t do that in this case.
Has anyone else raised this as an issue or is this something you’ve encountered in your tests? If we’re 100% certain that NewDay reports all transactions a day late, can we adjust it accordingly in our integration? Since this is still in Monzo Labs, it would be nice to test this out before it rolls out.
Unfortunately, this is just a quirk of NewDay’s API implementation. It’s technically compliant, if annoying, so there’s nothing that can be done to force them to change it.
It’s not really possible to “correct” the data using an offset either, because there is no hard and fast rule regarding how quickly pending transactions settle. It can be anything from overnight to, in rare cases, weeks - so a manual offset could easily cause more problems than it solves.
The solution here is for NewDay to tweak their API, but, to be realistic, they are unlikely to do so.
We’ve just added support for:
- Bip
- Fluid
- NewPay
- Opus
- Pulse
These and the other NewDay brands are still in Labs, so just like before, you’ll need to turn on the “Test Other accounts” toggle before the option to connect these cards will appear.
Once we’re happy they’re all working, we’ll take them out of Labs!
And as always, you need Monzo Plus or Monzo Premium to connect an account
@tjvr not quite new day but vanquis thimbil card would be good to see
Same problem with Bip at the moment
Same here, just get unathorised
same here for bip!