Amazon Mastercard Credit Card On Open Banking

Hello All,
Apologies if this has already been discussed, if it has please let me know where to find it.
I was wondering if I could suggest open banking to show Amazon (NewDay) credit cards in ‘Other Accounts In Monzo’.

This is the only credit card I can not view within the app and considering I am paying for Premium this would be a very welcome addition. This will prevent me from having to use competitor apps for a feature that I am paying for within Monzo!


Emma is now offering this.

Just visit their community and request to be added to their beta testing of it in the thread.

It’s free.

I don’t suppose you have a link to this?

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As requested @GoodOlViv :grin:

Fairly sure Moneydashboard offer the NewDay Amazon card too - also a free service

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