Where is the chat?

I agree, it needs to be a representative number of people who look at the article voting ‘No’ for them to look into, and only Monzo will know the statistics. Though, I do still think leading to a dead-end for anyone isn’t great service.

in which case I would expect to see a lot more than 100+ - even 1000+ if not more from 4.5 million customers coming to the forum to complain about the difficulty in finding chat , maybe people dont get in touch with customer services that much, maybe the self help is working for most , maybe the chat isn’t that important in the first place, maybe people cant be bothered complaining and just leave Monzo and dont use it …I dont know :slight_smile:

A lot of users may not want to click the link to come here, until they’re at the end of their tether. And I’m sure many people actually will understand that this is a community forum, not a support one.

I’ve seen people complaining in greater numbers on other social media though.

We may not get a lot of people posting here in the grand scheme of things, but the fact some do, believing this to be support and posting private info to get help, does indicate an issue that needs addressing.


It indicates an issue. Whether it’s one that needs addressing depends on the scale of the issue.

No matter how good a business you are, it’s rare to ever spend money fixing every last issue for every last customer. It’s an ideal, I agree, but it’s surely not a realistic one.


I’m curious as to what the criteria is now though.

I can’t get chat to appear;

I’m not a serial support asker. In 2 1/2 years, I’ve used support once.
I get my salary/bills from Monzo. So it’s not “We don’t care about you”
I’ve searched for issues and said they don’t help, chat doesn’t appear.

Maybe I haven’t looked for the right thing and something Monzo deem I need help with, the things I’ve searched for, they know are solvable with the articles so they won’t show it to me?

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If someone gets to the end of self service options and confirms they haven’t found an answer to their problem, surely the only correct course of action is to then give them the option of chatting to someone? Presenting a dead end with “Thanks for the feedback” doesn’t help the customer with whatever their issue is.


I came across this slide recently which shows HSBC manage to answer over half of their chat volume via an AI which I thought was an interesting comparison to Monzo.

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I got “caught” by their AI the other day

It was dreadful and so I gave up and did something different off my own bat to sort it

I wonder which half that counts as

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In the 11% who aren’t in the 89% customer satisfaction figure…


Does that 51% figure not apply to Hong Kong only?

And what does RBWM stand for, surely it’s not the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead?

Siri? :rofl:

It stands for retail banking wealth management I believe.

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That makes more sense :joy::joy:

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