Where is the chat?

Click here for chat

Does it work? I’m on my iPad so can’t check

Edit: not even clickable :upside_down_face:


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Doesn’t appear to.


Interesting, I have no link to the chat anywhere beyond the link in the ‘Contacting us’ article, and clicking this provides no option to mark the chat as urgent - it simply launches a chat saying chat is ‘closed’. :man_shrugging:

I’ve contacted Monzo perhaps 2 - 3 times over the years, due to issues with or caused by Monzo, including a resolved complaint. Why I’m on the ‘worst’ version is a mystery to me, but it’s not a great experience and I find the idea of making chat difficult to access for most to be unsatisfactory regardless of the apparent reasoning.


Im on the vulnerable customer list and don’t have the chat button



It’s illuminating learning all the different experiences people are having with this feature in app. A bit concerning too.


I know quite a few Monzo customers who are classed as vulnerable. Should they just call in and ask for the button to be more visible @Dan5 ? Would a standard garden variety customer service person understand and know they have to do ?

Monzo certainly won’t be the only company trying to do this - I used to work in a team within a call centre who’s sole purpose was to reduce the contacts via investigating self serve options alongside how to streamline processes to reduce the time customers spent on the phone - running such a service is big money.

That Said - I found that initially the self service triage was good but if it didn’t answer your question being able to chat to someone was important and was a big reason for me moving to starling. I dont want to self serve, not get the answer, start a chat and then be greeted with more self serve options before I can speak to someone. It’s diversive and obstructive in my opinion.

Most companies (including starling) offer self serve but the ability to chat to a real person if you still need to. I agree that is is a fine balance and easy to get right/wrong and it’s also totally personal to that person as to where they think the line is - so Monzo can likely never win for some


If you want a version you can click from your home screen:


This iOS shortcut will let you add a button.


I really do understand and sympathise with what monzo are trying to do here but this flow is simply unacceptable:

DEAD END :no_entry:


Not really - How can Monzo know if it works or not without data to back it up.

They asked you if it worked, you gave an answer and they told you it would be used for feedback. Which they will likely analyse and improve the service as a result

Where it could be improved is giving you an option to still chat, which I think it does?

It does not give you the option to chat, nor does it suggest searching again, nor does it suggest any other help articles.


Hey @BritishLibrary you might want to add that people have to allow untrusted shortcut to import.

Would you mind sharing the workflow steps so we could create one without having to turn off that security?

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That’s a good point, I forgot that!

Basically, create one action/button that has the following single steps


Open monzo://support_chat?from=button-help-article

With the bit in green being the URL.

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yeah this is the weird thing it gives me the option to chat at the “dead end” , now how many it does give the option to, and how many it doesnt give the option to would be the interesting thing , it could in theory give 98% of customers the option to chat , it may not …we dont know, what we know is there are 100 people , or 50, or 20 odd , on the community it doesnt give the option to chat at the end to , and that is all we know :man_shrugging: but it does make for an interesting discussion without knowing any factual statistics :slight_smile:

Maybe the people that it doesnt give the option to chat at the end give the feedback that it solved their problem …therefore Monzo doesnt need the info amending , and those that say no means the info needs amending …and the “small group” of non chat people are the test for Monzo to see if our articles work as self service . Everybody else has the chat option …who knows

  • I have a chat option at the bottom of the help screen
  • I have a chat option but its not on the help screen and its difficult to find

0 voters

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Interesting. Not a great user experience

This is cool! You can now

hey Siri chat to Monzo Support

And it takes you straight to support chat in Monzo.

I wish more companies would take advantage of shortcuts, and build their own recipes.

There’s only one app I have that takes full advantage of the functionality and that’s Passepartout

Dark Sky and Ocado have a few shortcut recipes too.

Monzo could probably do some useful stuff with them too, that could probably even tie into to the self serve stuff.

Hey Siri freeze my Monzo card

Hey Siri increase my spending limit

Whenever I’ve used the self-help it hasn’t been helpful and I’ve marked it as ‘No’. I just tend to either abandon the issue or find the answer elsewhere, unless it’s something only Monzo can fix.


I appreciate some will just say no and look elsewhere , but presumably its when 20 people or however many say no that it becomes an issue for Monzo that needs looking at the advice / help they are giving , rather than one or two saying no it doesnt solve my issue

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