What will be your next phone?

That’s no problems, Twilio and Nexmo (and plenty others) offer Greek numbers I believe. All the technology has been there for ages to support multiple numbers.

Yeah… my wife’s macbook pro is C too, annoying as we have her old one with the mini display port, my one with HDMI and her new one. Could really do without a drawer full of adapters.

i’d be VERY surprised to see usb-c on the next iphone… very surprised…

I dropped my 5 in a sink full of water once. I rushed out to buy rice, left it in the rice for 24 hours and the only problem then was digging a grain of rice out of the lightning port.

Either the 6.1 or 6.5 inch iPhone.

I’m probably going to hold on until next year.

Two things that could turn my head: 1) OnePlus 6T with a fast under screen fingerprint reader or 2) this thing:

… but four figures for a mobile - I couldn’t justify that to myself. Or Tom. He is my bank manager, after all.

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No new phone this year (unless I can’t sell my 8+ and get a new one on to EE upgrade program and sell it 6 months later).

If I were to get a new one, it’d be the Pixel 3 XL.


I can just see hundreds of screens getting broken here :see_no_evil:

I think it’s probably designed to bend :wink: That’s if it’s really a Thing… (Don’t try to bend standard phones. Ouch).

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Ha, I can just see people leaving them partially unfolded and sitting on them, or bending them too much the other way.

Maybe I’m just used to people smashing rugged smartphones where I work, “it got run over by a JCB” :thinking:.

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Yeah, it’s a danger. Still speculative at this point (though Samsung have dropped some heavy hints that it’s coming). I’m really keen to see how it works in practice…

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I’ll for sure I’ll be excited to see one!

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Didn’t Apple do a bendy phone at one point? :wink:

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I’m currently enrolled in the iPhone Upgrade Program so I’m not sure but whatever Apple decide to bring out next.

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