What is the last thing you purchased?
Why do you wanna know??
A pint of Holts bitter at my local, cost me £2.30…bargain
Netflix Or actual purchase: Large Chips from a French McDonalds coz the hangover was real.
Duck Tape
Surgical Gloves
Looks like your preparing to get rid of a body
A Holiday for me and my Dad
The social engineering/hacking aspect of this thread is already intriguing. Just sayin…
An escort not the car
Why do you write here if you don’t want to?
I hate upstarts.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Removed Posts - June 2020
I was just asking why you were asking? It’s a fair question, no?
Or did I mis-read the rules about your post?
A choc ice
Several taster beers at a brewery in Vicuna, Chile. Along with an immense basket of chips and garlic mayo, and side of meats, gherkins and cheese. I’ve since slept it off.
A pair of Berghaus hiking shoes for work - including my walk to and from work, I walk on average, 10 to 12 miles a day 5 days a week.
A Traktor Z1 DJ Controller, which I got for a great price from @amelia