What is the cutoff point for which month the first installment would be?


I make my payments on the 21st of each month.

If I Flex a payment on the 10th November, will the first payment be due on 21st November or 21st December? What’s the cutoff?

Two weeks.

So 21/12

Thanks. Is that inclusive, i.e. would a transaction on the 7th be current month?

Look at Flex in app, it tells you.


No it doesn’t

Yes it does.


Perhaps some screenshots would help resolve this? Otherwise, this could get quite repetitive.

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I was going to, but showing my date isn’t going to help OP if they can’t tap the Flex card and read for themselves.


I can read. I’ve looked through all the help articles and nothing answers this question

Tap your Flex card in the app.


And read? Use your eyes? It’s right in front of you.

You must be trolling at this point.

Imagine because this stupid.

@nohassles Jeez here’s a bloody article.

Only one this gonna happen to is you. Not very “No Hassle’s” of you, is it?

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You are missing “a” and “of” in that sentence. It’s also offensive and against the rules.

I suggest you adjust your attitude.


That article is about changing which day of the month payments are made on, not related to my question at all.

If you click the Flex card in app it tells you all the info you need. But I think that’s been mentioned.

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Well then, without screenshots, we can’t really help you much. You asked a community for advice, you turned them down, and then continued to be rude to members.

Whilst Revels has given some good advice, if you’re not going to listen to it, then you can try contacting Monzo Support. They’re available in-app, 7am - 8pm, Mon - Sun for non-urgent support (which is what this is). You can also try calling 0800 802 1281, or emailing help@monzo.com.

Revels very kindly answered my initial question which answered 99% of what I needed to know. I thanked them and just asked for one very tiny clarification and then all of this spiralled. It’s completely bizarre.