What happens if you lose your card? 😱 March 2023 updates

Hey there community pals :wave:

You ever walk into a room and suddenly forget what you went in there for? Or ran around the house looking for something only to realize it was in your pocket the whole time?

You’re not alone. It happens to ALL of us. And it can be scary.

But don’t worry - we got your back and will get you back up and running in no time! Here are this month’s new features:

Order a replacement card :credit_card:

We’ve all done it - you’ve lost your wallet, keys, or worse… your Monzo card. Even with its bright hot coral color, you can’t find it and you’ve looked everywhere.

You can order a replacement card in just a few taps, right in the app. In the “Manage” tab for the card you need to replace, tap “I need a new card”.

Change your PIN in-app :pushpin:

It’s generally recommended to change your PIN if it gets compromised, like in a data breach. Or maybe you were assigned a PIN during sign-up. :raising_hand_woman:t2:

You can now change your PIN in the app! In the “Manage” tab for your card, tap “Change my PIN”.

Connect your CDs :cd:

No, not the CDs you used to play in your Discman – you know, those things before iPods. :t_rex: We’re talking about Certificates of Deposit (CDs).

Connect your external CDs to view their balances in the app and include them in your monthly Trends.

You can also connect your PayPal credit cards within the app.

We want to hear from you :mega:

Help shape the future of Monzo by sharing your feedback in the app. Feedback comes directly to us and we read every comment. :eyes:

From the Home screen, tap your profile picture then scroll and tap “Give us feedback”.


Did you happen to catch that Easter egg (extra feature) in the previous image? :mag: Comment below if you think you’ve found it!

We’re working on a lot of exciting features to help you feel secure about managing your money. See what’s happening on our public roadmap.


Good to see that Monzo USA is making great strides!!! :clap: