What films do you recommend?

I also need a longer optical audio cable to do that. Not got round to buying one yet :stuck_out_tongue:

Need to move that Tele to the right a wee bit.

One I’ve still to watch. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hated that movie, had such high hopes :frowning:

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Don’t move - Netflix.

Don’t bother.

Now I see it….

I don’t know if you are old enough to know “Hackers” so I had a soft spot thanks to that.
Like so many films, as absurd as it is now, if you watched it at the time at a certain age range it was great but too old or too late and it won’t hit the same.

Hack the planet!!!

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I thought don’t move was pretty ok

The wild robot: In one word, fantastic!

I’m not sure what it is about these films, but they always seem to yank at your heart strings, Especially with the lines of “ You’re not my mother” And “ I’m doing this to protect you”

The animation style Is what I would describe as artistic, Not realistic looking but not cartoonish.

It is a absolutely brilliant film from start to finish in my opinion


I did get a tiny bit teary when they were looking for survivors in the snow and when the fox felt abandoned.

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Ok, spoilers :joy:


I’m not ashamed to say the wild robot did make me tear up a little bit a few times


I definitely had a few tears.

My elder two almost cried.

The youngest was sobbing and the Mrs absolutely wailed the whole time.


Tbh, something is wrong if you don’t shed a tear,

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Did anyone see the LFF preview screenings of Piece by Piece, the Pharrell Williams movie animated in Lego’s style?

I did, and it was pretty fantastic I have to say. A really emotional bit of cinema and not at all gimmicky.

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Ok, Wild Robot was pretty good.

The end with the Fox is what got me!


Has anyone watched this?

How it ever got a 91% i have no idea, I noped out 15 minutes in


I liked it until the last 20 minutes or so which totally ruined it.

Haunt - Netflix.

Poor movie, sketchy acting and scenes, a lot of pointless stuff.

Made for a good hangover movie to doze in and out of.

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I was tempted to sign up for the free trial just to watch this based on the trailer.

If you’re into weird films, then it’s definitely the film for you, however, I would just get a copy off TG, I don’t even think it’s worth signing up for a free trial

I get all my films of yts and tv shows from eztv.

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