What are we working on? The Monzo Weekly Diary

Thanks @leah! :smiley:

This morning started out recording a podcast with a new website called http://cyberintersection.com . We had a great chat about the Mondo product design process and our vision for the future of the company. I’ve got a blog post ready to publish with more detail.

Next up was a meeting about the upcoming name change. We need to make sure everything’s lined up, including trademarks, domain names, web and app. With a large number of things in motion, we’re hoping they all come together next Thursday at the grand unveiling!

I’m about to step into a product meeting with @ole and others from the marketing and engineering teams, working on our product roadmap for the next few months. We’re nailing down exactly what’s needed to launch as a bank early next year.

This afternoon, I’ll be working on fundraising the £15-£20m we’ll need to open our doors next year as a bank. I’m polishing our investment deck and following-up on emails with investors around the world. I’m hoping we’ll be able to include a crowdfunding element in that fundraise, so keep your eyes peeled for announcements in a couple of months’ time.

Next up is Ella, our newest customer support hire! We’ll get her an account created on the forum first.