We're working on a new look for the Monzo app

Getting used the new layout but the % left of my budget without showing the actual amount left isn’t useful at all.




So instead of fixing the pot update issue Monzo decide to just add a page to send an e-mail… priorities I guess :roll_eyes:


New update. Still no fix for pots, savings in Investec. Needs to be a priority now


Ditto, Updated, Force Closed the app…

Pots still not updated to accurate figures… Investec Pots showing as standard pots…

I agree this needs to be fixed as a priority, especially if it’s been used by new users who have no clue they are even trialling it!!


Yes it does, but, on my phone at least, it also expands the card “drawer”

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Couple more bugs still in 2.46…

  • Summary Still Crashes Randomly (seems even less stable)
  • Creating a new pot - doesn’t give the option to select a savings pot… just a normal Pot
  • Pots still very much not updating
  • Investec Pots Broken
  • Back/Close not consistent sides
  • Add Credit Cards


  • Credit Card Images now show…
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Where is the option to add more credit cards?

I also have the notification saying that interest bearing saving pots are back.

When I click it, it takes me to a regular pot creation.

If I click ‘view all’ and create a new pot, I also do not get the option to choose whether it is an interest pot or not, it just takes me through to a regular pot creation.

Is this just a bug with the new layout?

On iOS I get offered all 3 types of pot with no issue.

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I don’t like that I’ve now lost the progress bar on my left to spend widget. I feel love the value by itself isn’t as useful as also knowing how much it compares to the original figure at the start of my pay cycle, which a progress bar does perfectly.

I also think the search icon should sit on the same line as the date header. This would be better than have a big blank space.


If you have a budget set, you’ll see the % usage

I had to sign out and back in again to get up to date information on my pots after interest paid on the 1st. Not ideal but am sure it’ll be fixed soon :crossed_fingers:t2:

Any news on whether we’ll get a total on all pots / account figure or is it gone for good?

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Once bills are paid and savings moved to pots what’s left to spend is my budget.

Setting a budget also gets rid of the value remaining on the widget which isn’t useful, that’s what the bar is good for.

Also as far a I remember when you set a budget pot transfers don’t reduce it in the same way spending does, so therefore it’s flawed after my first rounded up transaction. It doesn’t really reflect the true left to spend value the same way not setting a budget does.

I don’t see why there can’t be a bar for both Budgets and the Left to Spend way of doing things, and for both bars to have the RAG functionality.


From the screenshots I’ve seen I’m not a fan of the % in the % left to spend, would prefer a £ amount. When looking at this figure what I am concerned with is how much space I have for an upcoming purchase, and don’t want to have to work out the amount left myself.


Strange - I’m also on iOS

I’ve also lost all the colour on my left to spend widget. It worked fine in the new layout before.
Hopefully just a bug in this version.



On iOS in apps you can press the top of the screen and you go to the top of a page - this works on the transaction feed too.

Yeah, the RAG bar has gone, which was visually very useful. The only-grey section now showing left-to-spend/days-to-go text is, IMO, also very difficult to see. The text disappears into the grey bar which in turn disappears into the white screen.

Bring back the RAG bar please. Or make the text on the grey bar more black.

[Android 2.46.0]

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image My budget percentage no longer works on 2.46.0