If you disable the overall Budget from the summary screen you get a “left to spend” figure instead of a % spent. I found this more useful (you can still have budgets for each of the categories - just not for the total amount).
And I have just read through more of your replies and realise that you know this. I wont delete this reply for posterity but apologise for not reading the whole thread before replying. I completely agree with you that a % is not a good figure to go by!!
I was having the pot issue too. For me it was just creating a normal pot without giving me any options. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app and it fixed it.
If you are using iOS the back buttons are part of a navigation controller and will always be top left. The ones on the top right are for views not nested in a navigation controller and top right is the generally accepted place for them.
I prefer this myself. All my payments and shopping comes out at the beginning of the month, I will also fill my pots and save a few hundred, then I spend next to nothing throughout the rest of the month. So left to spend would always be in the red even though I have plenty.
Looks like the summary widget is gonna need some adjustable settings.
Personally, I prefer the more compact grey scale version but miss the colour indicators and progress bar. Keep the colours and just make the whole widget the progress bar?
It was mentioned that 10% of new customers have it so that the testing isn’t limited to just fans/forum members. So yes, for the past week or so, 10% of new customers have automatically been given this layout.
That is a little worrying if true then.
Any comments from Monzo in regards to contacting support now for issues with the new design?
And the number of bugs that are still being found?
I have a slight concern with the increasing number of user interaction elements being placed at the top of the screen. Like many users, I tend to use my mobile with one hand - often while using my other hand to hold on while on public transport. However, anything on the top left of my phone is unreachable without using my second hand. I’ve painted the hard-to-reach bits in orange in the screenshot below - and that’s on an iPhone XS. On an XS Max, it would be far more of an issue.
I feel it’s ok to have UI tools there for occasional use, but I’m concerned that there seem to be more and more.
I’d be interested to hear from other users whether they might consider this to be an issue?
Wow, that is quite a difference . Thank you for sharing, @nickh
There seemed previously to be a movement to try to move high-usage UI elements to the bottom and right of the screen, so they could easily be accessed by the majority of thumbs (much to the chagrin of left-handed users). This is how we began to see fewer and fewer top-of-the-screen burger menu buttons, and more tab bars.
In BlackBerry Work, BlackBerry introduced a floating UI button, that users can move around the screen and place in the spot that’s most convenient to them (much to the pleasure of left-handed users!)
Pull-down gestures also get around some of the issues - similar to those used by Monzo in this redesign.
I don’t disagree that some elements will inevitably need to end up out of reach, but I do feel thumb-accessibility is worth considering when placing those frequently-used elements.
Just in case people took me too seriously, I may have exaggerated the usable space a little there - But I’d certainly struggle to use the app (or any app that required a lot of up/down movement) with one hand.
Ultimately, on the XS Max at least, the highest point I can reach without shuffling my phone would be the card/left to spend section.
View all, notifications and the settings sections are too far for me
You see the little black line across the bottom centre of the phone? If you swipe down on that it’ll pull down the app to allow you to tap the top part. Not sure if you knew this already, but it’s a useful feature for other apps too, when you only have one hand available.
Hi @adam.ash, thank you for pointing this out. This is a feature I occasionally use, though I don’t think I’d expect to need to use it to access frequently needed functions.
I have average sized hands, and this feature would certainly help me with a phone of this size. However, I know plenty of people whose hands are smaller.