Nice one hopefully it’s sorted in future updates ^___^ glad it’s resolved itself for now and if it happens again I’ll just do that.
Hopefully it will get pushed up the list as it should be a priority for sure.
I’d definitely consider myself a power user, and love to get things done as quickly as possible. Although yes the elegant text string is nice, but when I’m out and about and a client asks for my details I’d much rather be able to copy them from the main app screen quickly rather than delve through menu levels.
Either way I don’t think adding this feature would take anything away from the app, it’s simply an addition.
I used to have the option to create a shared pot… it didn’t work properly (it would always try to transfer money from the joint account which was a bit useless). Is this coming back?
Can we have an option to disable ‘things you can do with monzo’? It’s just duplication and it gets in the way of switching between personal and joint accounts.
Once in the ‘all’ menu (now signified by a little person for some reason) there’s no way out… home doesn’t work. If it’s supposed to be modal it should overlay the tabs and have a close. If it’s a tab make it a tab. Currently it’s neither one or the other and the only way to go back to the account is to close the app and reopen it - back simply quits the app instead of taking you back.
Is really annoying having to click a link in email just to log in now. Especially as the emails go to my junk folder and don’t show in the mail app. Is this really necessary every time? Makes me more likely to use a competitor, taken away a lot of the convenience
When was that not the case?
Every other time I’ve used it, before this update I suppose. It’s just been Touch ID and log in instantly, now you have to wait for an email to be sent, log into mail and click a link there. Except the mail doesn’t go to my main folder and can’t see a way to fix this on mobile. And closing the app means you have to repeat each time.
How often are you logging in? I have only logged in maybe 3 or 4 times in over 2 years due to switching devices but apart from that never.
Edit: just seen your other reply, this is definitely not the case for anyone else, maybe try deleting and re-installing the app? You very much should not have to do this.
Are you switching between devices?
You can add the email address to a safe list so it won’t go to junk
Monzo are doing it due to a change in the law regarding authentication
Only when first logging in on a new device. Not when opening the app every time…
No not switching devices. I should have been clearer, if I leave it open in the background I can come back to the app without having to go through an email link, it is just when I close the app then reopen. I just found Touch ID a lot more convenient but I don’t seem to have the option. Will it be added at a later date or should I have it already?
You should have it
Delete and reinstall the app should fix it
Ok, will try a reinstall and hopefully get on better, thanks for the replies
Ok, I’m split on this. Love the overall design of the new concept however I really dislike the new way the other pots display. The whole UI there with cards overlapping and moving around and just how you have to get to them now I find clunky and too unfriendly to users. I feel it would have been better to integrate the style of the pots UI from before, bringing that and incorporating it in to this new overall UI to give a far better overall end user UX. To me I’m torn as to whether I prefer the new UI or the old, and I’ve switched between them about 9 times now.
I like the look of the new design, however I’d like to be able to see my historical balance of each day (which the graph used to show me) as that was useful to see. I’d also think the people with weekly salaries (myself included) could benefit from having the summary customisable to allow for this.
They asked for feedback, and have taken on board a lot of points, and explained many others. What they won’t do, and should not do, is:
- Reach full consensus with all customers
- Execute faithfully what the majority of customers request
Sometimes customers are just wrong, don’t see the bigger picture, or are unaware of the trade offs involved. Sometimes they tell you hard truths but more often they tell you their truth based on very singular ideas about how the product should work.
Design is about compromises - with 3 million customers at least some are going to be very unhappy about almost every feature and decision, and that’s ok. I disagree with lots of the decisions made but think it is now pretty coherent and a nice design and disagree the home is cluttered.
And not everyone has their email connected to their phone.
Was rather miffed when I had to go through the rigmarole of forwarding the URL from my PC to my phone just to log in.
It would be much better if SMS was used as an alternative method.
Could you not just open your email from your phone’s browser?
Absolutely not.
SMS is hugely, hugely vulnerable. It should absolutely be not used for login.
Even Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter got hacked recently, and it was because of SMS.
The vulnerability of SMS comes down in large part to “sim swaps”. So this is where someone, with a few of your personal details, rings up a network and asks for a sim swap, which is what you’d do if you lost your sim and needed your number moved to a new SIM. Because this is a human process usually simply done over the phone, it’s easy for any bad actor to socially engineer this into happening and gaining access to your phone number.