Visualisation Suggestions

Hey everyone!

We’d like your ideas on something. Hopefully you saw our blog post yesterday announcing that we now have 500k Current Accounts. And spiffy data map we included:

Our question is: what other fun ways could you think of to visualise our data? Maybe a global map pinging with overseas transactions? Or something else entirely?

Drop us your thoughts!


I particularly enjoyed these updates:


Personal Transactions Map
A global zoom-able map that displays my personal transaction history. Can be over all time or within a specified date range (e.g. the last month).

Can use merchant logos and contact avatars to identify each one. Selecting one would open a dialogue with more information about the transaction (e.g. date, time, value,etc).

I also just opened the D3.js examples page for some extra inspiration.

Bubble Charts
Useful for visualising transactional values in a heirachichal structure, such as Outgoings->Categories->Merchants. At the top level, you could display bubbles for income, outgoings and internal transfers. Selecting a bubble would zoom into display a bubble charts of categories and then again into merchants.

The size of the bubbles correlates to the total value of transactions for each merchant/category over a specified date range.

Could also do the same with how much we receive from contacts and employment, although salary would nearly always be the biggest by far.


Global use by time of day on a map of the world would be cool to see - you’d see countries waking up and spending. Bonus points if it is a spinning globe :slight_smile:

Also, a map of use in london or another large city over a day might be fun.

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Love me a good data deep dive!

More tidbits about users’ transactions! I loved our round-up of 2017 in Numbers and would love to see more about, for example, our user’s shopping habits. (Maybe I just like lists.)

I like the map though it does make me wonder how you can do that but not a simple live current account number…

I’d like something to show demographics by region. Age of Monzo users is the one that interests me most. But I really like that user map, it’s reminiscent of Outbreak

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Agreed - I like the amounts spent/where spending is happening etc.

I remember seeing a world map of live earthquake data so you were seeing a loop of where they were, intensity and when.

This could also work for say payment data or more generally active usage data.