View CVC

Please roll it out (or let the user decide whether to hide). I don’t know how many times I have had to go climb the stairs to grab my physical card to find the CVC.


i cant actually remember when i used the phsyical card to buy some thing on line i use the virtual card obviously we can see the number for that one :slight_smile:

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To see your CVC, riddle me this…


Rename one of your pots to it


What’s the question :eyes::rofl:

Put it as a pot goal. More hidden

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Interesting, so an A/B test then. Looking forward to seeing what may happen next


There is some extra security on the CVC on a card… it’s on the other side to avoid shoulder surfing and not printed with raised lettering to make it harder to get an imprint.

As physical cards go it’s enough extra. Not all security has to be complete to work.

Importantly though it’s not allowed to be stored or written down by the merchant under PCI rules. So although all the other numbers on your card are probably known by hundreds of individual systems, the CVC never is.

I’m really not comfortable with the information being brought into the digital domain for ‘ease of use’ onto a single place as it defeats the point somewhat… easy to shoulder surf, and or just accidentally load a malicious app that just pulls it straight out of memory. Make it optional, but default off.

Amex and unembossed cards say hi!


If you’ve got your card out in public to make a payment online then, realistically you’re a security issue :rofl:


Not on monzo cards it ain’t


All the details are on the back of the Monzo Premium cards, at least.


Considering how close I have to get to read it, if you can read it over my shoulder I’ll be very impressed.



The CVC really has to be digitally stored somewhere though. All Monzo is doing is bringing the physical card to parity with virtual ones, and making it convenient for the customer. Indeed, it looks like you can’t see both the CVC and the card number at the same time for the physical card, so presumably (by your reckoning) it might even be safer than, say, a Monzo Premium card?


I was agreeing to your point or at least what I thought it was :slight_smile:

In that all the deets are on the back, but I was replying to your quoted poster hence the confusion.

It’s been a long day :joy:


The point is it never is (in theory - yes people break PCI all the time… I could tell stories…), outside the bank itself… those are the rules.

At the moment it forms a kind of weak 2FA… to pay for something online you not only have to know my card details (which are stored in enough places that compromise is a near certainty over a sufficient period) - they have to have the physical card to get that number. It’s far from an ideal level of security… but it’s another layer gone.

I would much prefer if we could generate a random card number for every retailer but nobody does that, so keeping everything else as secure as possible is important.


You’ve never been in a store with security cameras?

Mostly I stick with paying by phone these days to mitigate that. The card stays at home.

Dont forget people with monocles, they can see further than normal with one eye :face_with_monocle: