View CVC

My CVC and card details are in my locally hosted bitwarden so it’s auto filled, I have no idea what it actually is thanks to auto fill.


Always knew he wasn’t as squeaky clean as he made out to be :eyes:



I think you’re ever so slightly paranoid



Although it’s a blessing and a curse because I don’t need to get up to find my card which would generally make me have second thoughts on the thing(s) I’m about to buy.


Blank cards confirmed!


I have my cards safe it Bitwarden, which is behind 2FA. ,y 2FA app, is also behind 2FA - I mean 2FA means nothing if someone gets my number :smiley:


A random / rotating CVC would be cool.

I generally copy my card details from the app when shopping online so no extra burden having to grab a one-off CVC too.

Interesting to see if this might happen :thinking:

I’m pretty sure one of my cards was compromised that way… it never left my wallet. Had no transactions on it, so it was really easy to tell when it was hacked… of course the bank at the time had no instant notifications so they didn’t call me for a week…

If you think people on minimum wage care about your security then you’re insanely trusting. There’s a reason they always say never hand the card to anyone. Someone comes to them and says ‘Want to make £100, write down any numbers you can find’ and it only takes one to say yes.

I’d love a blank card… contactless only in case the phone fails. I even used to have one, part of some barclays thing they ran as a trial (I had a wristband too as they were handing them out free). It was only about 2 inches by 1 inch… not sure it was an improvement at that size though.

It can be done… but curiously isn’t (heck the monzo card still has a signature strip like it was hankering for the 1980s).


I think you should probably check out Chase…


Chase has direct debits in their ‘coming soon’ list. They’re not a serious contender.

They have them live now. Happened a week or so ago.


You don’t actually need to the CVC in order to present a payment, if the merchant chooses not to require a match. In the same way you can make payments with an incorrect CVC and they’re successful.

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Just to point out that the rate someone is paid does not indicate their level of ethics or whether they will attempt fraud on you.

I’ve been on many minimum wage jobs and not once did I consider breaching laws.


It wasn’t a general recommendation, just a response to you desire for a numberless card.

And if you’re taking security to the extreme, use them as a spending card and spread direct debits out elsewhere. :man_shrugging:

I see the latest (Android) update now references this as a change to the app. Guessing that means rolled out to everyone and no longer a test with X amount of users

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yup can confirm it now shows on android


Are you able to explain what questions you had and how you went about testing?

(This might also make an excellent subject for a blog!)


I’m seeing it now (:android:). Can see CVC overlayed onto card graphic with ‘Copy card CVC’ button at the bottom. Attempted screenshots return a blank screen though. Bravo :monzo: for security thinking :clap:


No way out of the CVC screen without actually copying it? What if I don’t want to copy it, but just see it?! :eyes: