Hello all,
Not much of a forum’er myself, but I wanted to share something I’ve been working on…
Monzo has inspired me in many ways, not least it being a shining example of how things can be done in a stagnant industry. Because of that, I’ve invested twice, nagged enough people to join and championed this future.
Not being in London I missed out on Alpha, but soon joined the hot-coral bandwagon. And even though it’s grown massively, it’s nice to still have those “What a bright card!” moments.
Anyway… last year, I had a horrible customer service experience with a big mobile network. And without much digging, it turned out I wasn’t alone. Friends & family getting screwed by confusing or hidden pricing, waiting on the phone for too long… sound familiar?
So I decided to start my own network, Zevvle. One that’s built for you, with transparent pricing that doesn’t screw you over and useful support (if you need it…). We’re launching later this year with SIM-only plans, and if you’re anything like me I’d recommend you sign up. There are also our iOS and Android apps that recently went live…
Even better, get your friends involved — we’re offering a month on us (up to 12, of course) for every person you refer that orders a SIM. Just give them your link after signing up! And before you ask…
Are we the cheapest?
We can’t compete on rock-bottom pricing without the scale of other companies. Having said that, I’m very confident pricing will come down. We’ll do our best to delight everywhere else!
Thank you Monzo, and thank you to all the people in the community. It’s an incredible place. I’d be happy if I can recreate 1/10th of it elsewhere.
Any questions let me know, and have a great week’s end,