I tried to link my Chase account in the Monzo app on ios, but its looking for some kind of client certificate. I tried removing the Chase app entirely, but hit the same issue
Did you reinstall the Chase app, login and then try it again?
Yes - i get the same error
That’s either an issue with Chase’s site or your device, nothing Monzo can do about that.
Are you on a regular home network, or a corporate or public network? What happens if you select one of the selected certificates?
I get similar when trying to connect Actual Budget to Chase. There’s something v weird / broken about their open banking connection. If on the same device it usually just passes over to the Chase app, but on devices without it installed it tries to reuse random certificates and bugs out.
(I know Chase folk read this forum, so fix this please - DM me if you’d like more details of what’s going wrong for me).
When I select a certificate, I get a wen page from Chase that says “invalid requet” - it never actually bounces me to the app
I appreciate this is a Chase issue, but hopefully Monzo has the right contacts to escalate this issue and get it rectified…