Connected account transactions won't update


I have an issue where the transactions for one of my connected accounts (Barclaycard) are not updating. This is not an issue with my other connected account. This has been an issue since the last app update.

The error is ‘Sorry about this. Something’s gone wrong, but we’re not sure what. Please try again in a few minutes’

I have tried the following to no avail:

  • Restarting the app
  • Restarting the app session
  • Re-authorising access by revoking it via my bank
  • Re-adding the card by removing it via monzo
  • Re-adding the app after deleting my bank’s app and going through their website to authorise

Any help would be appreciated as my Credit Card is my default card I use.

Barclaycard any chance? Few people have had similar issues.

Yes! Apologies thought I’d put that in my post. Glad to hear it’s on the radar.

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Did this ever get resolved for you? I am experiencing the same issue now. I noticed several days of transactions were missing. I removed the account (losing two years of categorised spend in the process), re added it and now only the last few weeks spend is showing up!

It solved itself after a while (was a monzo/barclaycard issue rather than a user issue). Not sure about getting back past data might be worth raising a support request.

I’ve had the same issue too but with John Lewis credit card. How can so many people have this sort of issue across different connected accounts and Monzo not resolve it?!

I’m having this issue with my Chase current account, it’s not been working for over 4 weeks now, keep messaging support but not really getting anywhere. Finally yesterday got a reply to say they’ve asked Chase now but I have to say the whole process is appalling.

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No problems with Chase here, it’s working fine for me.

Have you tried deleting the account & then reconnecting it?

I can’t do that unfortunately. I’ve got over a year of categorisation etc for trends which I don’t want to lose.

EDIT: I have re-linked it without deleting but that hasn’t fixed it.

I have just had an update from Monzo about my John Lewis account transactions not updating in Monzo. They have said that they are talking to John Lewis but can’t confirm when or even if this problem will resolved. Based on that I don’t think there is any point my continuing to pay for the ‘Extra’ service so I have now cancelled this.


That’s the best way to let them know - vote with your feet!

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