Travel to Caribbean

Hi, I’ll be travelling to the Caribbean shortly, does anyone know if Monzo card is generally used in the countries there? Thank you in advance.

Yes it is.

If you search for the specific countries, you’ll find someone saying yes in each of them.

I think the mentality/idea of Monzo still being a “prepay” card still lingers.
Bascially, if Mastercard debit cards are accepted, then Monzo should work fine.

Always have an alternative method with you, just in case (cash or VISA), but in general it shouldn’t be needed.

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If you’re going on a cruise, I gather that some of them require Visa.

Cruises typically take only credit cards on file, create an on-ship account and rack-up the charges as you purchase things using your room card/number. Then you settle in one go at the end. I’ve never used a Monzo card on a cruise, only a credit card.

Opens the mini bar – instant charge :joy:

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I see this a lot on cruise forums, it’s a MasterCard it will be accepted where they are. People still think it’s some kind of special card.

I saw a cruise a while back where it needed to be Visa.

I’ve not seen one of those, which line was it? Usually best to use credit card due to pre auths , lots of complaints about more money going out than people expect

I think it was one of the American ones. More to do with where they called in as Mastercard had dramatically lower acceptance than Visa.