This is why I love Monzo

I made a fairly large purchase today (Christmas shopping already). I approved the transaction through 3DS but I then got a message online saying that the retailer had cancelled the order (and to check the billing address). My first thought was yikes the money has left my account and I don’t have enough funds to make the payment again and wait for the funds to be released.

However through the app I was able to request a reversal on the payment and the funds were released back into my account instantly.

Now that is smart banking :+1:


How do you request a reversal?

On android - from the home screen select the transaction then scroll to the bottom there is a link “Something wrong? Tell us”. Click on that and on the next page there is a link that says Question payment. From there I was able to reverse the transaction because the retailer had not claimed the funds.


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You are lucky. Not all payments have this option. Usually it takes 7 days to release funds

No doubt direct debits etc wouldn’t, but I’d expect all card payments would.

Not in my experience. It’s been the same day (or in one case, the next day).

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They don’t, I’ve not quite figured out what does and doesn’t trigger the option, but it’s not always available.

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