The Monzo Current Account Preview

This thread is getting pretty long. Any chance of a phase 1.5 blog post to summarise where monzo is now and what’s next? For example what app changes are expected between now and customer launch?


My CA card should arrive shortly. I’m heading out of the country and won’t return until December. The roll out of the full CA is stated to start in a month’s time. Is there a risk that my prepaid and test CA cards could be deactivated while I am away?

Is anyone else having issues with push notifications? Some of my payments simply don’t trigger a notification and others are a lot more delayed than they are on the prepaid app :thinking:

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Yes, this will be coming once the Preview is done (end of Sep) :slight_smile:


Can anyone give me estimate of how long will card arrival take after I have done the verification. Thanks.

Took about 3 days for me to get mine :slight_smile:

Ok. How’s the preview going so far? :smiley:

Haven’t used it loads as waiting for this months salary to be paid but got most of my Direct Debits moved (that was a bit of hassle as lots of phone calls) but its got all the promise of the pre-paid app so still instant spending notifications, targets, categories etc.

I’m looking forward to the Recurring payments section to get a bit more thought put into it but that’s been confirmed that it’s probably going to be done before general release and it needs it!

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@Naji i hope the merging of the two acc histories will be optional

I have transactions on the prepaid that i would be happier to lose

Forever :laughing: :joy:

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Well none of my money has gone missing (just spent it!) so I’d say great! :stuck_out_tongue:

Is their any way to use the CA app on both IOS and Android at the same time? As I use both .


Drop support a message via in app chat. If you have iOS now, they’ll need your google play email address.

Yep, same here. Sometimes they just do the red dot.

You can have the app on both devices but can’t be logged in to both at the same time. When you log into one, it logs you out of the other :man_shrugging:t2:

Edit: seems you can be logged into iOS and Android but not iOS and iOS

Mine doesn’t. I get notifications on both phones at the same time and both stay logged in, unlike the prepaid version.

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I get notifications on both & stay logged in on the prepaid. Haven’t tried both on the current account but I’m sure it’ll be the same.

You can definitely be logged in on android and ios, but not 2 ios devices or 2 android devices. Source: I tested myself. :wink:

Also, prepaid and CA login is separate, so I had been logged in on all 4 at the same time:
prepaid on android
CA on android
prepaid on ios
CA on ios


@Avishai is correct. I have done the same with prepay and CA running on both Android and iOS at the same time

Oh hey guise check me out


And my first order coz I’m a fat shit :joy_cat:




YESSSSSS! :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: :tada: