The Legend of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

Yeah it’s very easy to while away lots of time just walking around and exploring. It’s such a massive map and with the hero’s path you can see areas you’ve never stepped foot in.

I still haven’t done all 120 shrines yet but will eventually!

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Has anyone here collected all the Korok seeds?? I’m only about 300 in :sob:

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Just the thought of trying terrifies me haha! I got a number as I was going through the story and wandering around, but didn’t try that hard to find others.

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Nope! I know the reward you get for getting all 900 though. I won’t spoil it!

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I was going to. I’m a completionist at heart. Then I saw how many there were, and I lost motivation. I got all the moons on Mario odyssey though. Does that count?

I didn’t complete the DLC either. The magic of this game was the exploration and story telling. So the survival challenge didn’t appeal to me. That one island in the bottom corner of the map was bad enough!


I accidentally went to that island super early on, and promptly died lol. Apparently if you drop a few items on a raft before the challenge starts you can pick them back up after. Might be worth trying with a couple high powered swords.

Anyway, I just snuck into Gerudo town so that’s where I’m at! I’ve also got all the memories except for the one inside Hyrule Castle.


I wouldn’t cheat the super island, I think it’s one of the best/most challenging parts of the game


Agreed. I love how it makes you get really creative about how you tackle each part. It rewards preparation and consideration.

Calling it a “reward” is going a bit far… Totally not worth it


So far one of my proudest moments was defeating my first (and so far, only) Lynel. And a silver maned one at that, in a cold area, so I couldn’t use my best armour (although, I suppose I could have used an elixir).

My tactics were:

  • long-lasting high level speed boost to run quick enough to escape it’s arrows and flame-breath.
  • circle around a rock to get out of it’s direct line of sight
  • run back into line of sight
  • bomb-arrow to the face
  • freeze it in time with stasis+
  • run up to it whilst frozen and mount it
  • wail on it with a high level two-handed guardian axe (my highest powered weapon at the time)

it took a few goes, but very satisfying to finally take it down!


Well done. Gold Lynel next. :smile:

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Flurry rush helps against them

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I find Urbosa’s Fury and Revali’s Gale handy against Lynels. If you get a decent combo in, you can put a big dent in their health before they’ve even charged you.


I’m still ashamed to admit I haven’t yet defeated a Lynel. Just immediately nope out of there and go back to collecting wood or something.

Maybe that can be my Lockdown v3 project…

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Don’t you need to defeat one as part of the storyline at fish city?

Lynel’s are terrifying at first, but the fights are like dances, and there’s a nice rythm to them. Once you nail that the fights are just like playing guitar hero in a way.

Stasis, flurry rush, and bomb arrows are the most useful tools to take one of these down.

Then throw all of that out the window when you go to face off against the one from the DLC. That one just plain cheats.


I think you just have to take something(?) it’s guarding?

I also made it through the game without defeating one :grimacing:


Been too long since I’ve played to recall!

Lynels are some of the most enjoyable combat moments in the game, or any game for that matter! They’re a challenge but it feels great to overcome them!

The DLC Lynel was insane. I beat it in the end with the help of my brother, but it was undeniably the hardest fight in the game.

The fact Lynel’s remain so terrifying, even after you’ve got the combat rythm down is a testament to just how well designed of an enemy it is!


I always just leg it on sight.

For me that’s the beauty of the game. It’s all about choice and freedom and having literally 100s of solutions to different situations.


Yeah, you can just sneak around to steal the arrows


I killed so many lynels by the end! needed to kill them to upgrade lots of the armour sets iirc.